White Blood

As usual the actors have created their own characters.

The scene is set in a snowy forest clearing, in the Northern Lands.

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Three girls dressed in white, the Triplets, dance onto the stage. They dance and lament the loss of their parents.

Quadricorn, a legendary 4-horned beast whose appearance and strength are terrifying, watches them.

Zork enters without noticing the beauty of the dance or music. He is full of self-importance.

The triplets notice the frightening Quadricorn and ask Zork to get rid of it. They then discuss finding their mother and exit.

Quadricorn enters and we discover that he found and looked after the triplets as babies. He still protects them but they don’t know who he is.

Zuz the Seer arrives having travelled from Queen Antis’ palace. The Queen has asked him to See something for her. He does so and assumes that Quadricorn is her culprit.

Zork enters in his usual bumptious way. Zuz is extremely irritated until he realises that Zuz may be able to get him the blood of Quadricorn, and thus help him to See more. He offers to arrange for him to meet the Queen in return for Quad’s blood.

Zuz ‘disappears’ by pulling down his mask.

While Zork wonders how to get out of confronting Quad again, the triplets appear and offer him their blood. Zork misunderstands and decides that he has to get the blood from Quad.

He fails, and Quad sends him with a message for Queen Antis. Zork doesn’t know what to do.

With a stroke of ‘luck’, the triplets arrive and present Zork with a vial of their blood. Zork gives it to Zuz, who becomes confused because he seems to be Seeing 3 different images of Queen Antis in the blood. Zuz is angry with Zork; but the triplets arrive and Zork escapes in the confusion caused by their appearance.

Zuz sends the triplets to find Quad; and then realises that these girls must be the Queen’s secret.

Whilst trying to capture Quad the triplets discover that he is their ‘Mother’.

Zuz awakens from his trance (appears) and tells the triplets that, in fact, Queen Antis is their mother and he is their father.

Then Quadricorn explains to everyone who he is.

Meanwhile Zork enters and once again sees his chance to kill Quad, hoping to finally prove to everyone that he is truly worthy to take over the world.

He is completely baffled to be stopped by all those who were previously so desperate for him to kill this 4-horned beast.